Thursday, September 16, 2010


Can you believe it's already been 10 years since we heard about the Millennium Development Goals?

Here's the situation, in just a few days, heads of state from every country in the world will gather in New York City for the United Nations Summit on the Millennium Development Goals. 10 years ago, world leaders committed to an ambitious plan to cut global poverty in half by 2015. Now, with only five years left, it's time to assess how much progress we've made, and agree on a plan to finish the job in 2015.

We have the power to change what the leaders of all the world's governments discuss or decide only if we work together, we can do more. To make real progress on 2015 goals, the "Summit Outcome Document" must get it right this time to address the social issues affecting the poor around the world.

Now the question is, what can be done in the next few years to achieve some of the Millennium Development Goals?

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