Tuesday, October 19, 2010


YOC Change Agents are international and local volunteers who share YOC values, serve as role models for children and youth around the communities we work with, and choose to participate in YOC activities without compensation. YOC team of Change Agents from all sectors of society support our organization. As role models, these volunteers inspire the youth and raise awareness about the Youth of Choice locally and internationally.

Our Change Agents are credible role models, and must have the ability to build essential life skills such as goal setting, leadership, discipline, respect and teamwork. Our Change Agents may speak to the media on behalf of YOC, attend events and fundraisers. Many Change Agents have visited YOC field locations to generate awareness and fundraising opportunities, and to see the effectiveness of our programs first-hand. These visit hopes to generate significant media attention and opportunities to deliver our message to the general public.

More than 30 Change Agents currently represent YOC in programme activities and they volunteer their time for free.

Be inspired and join our Team of Change Agents. Drop us an email at info@youthofchoice.org

"Driving Social Change"

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