Thursday, November 25, 2010


If you’re a Youth of Choice volunteer, supporter, board member, a
friend, project leader, please take a few minutes of your time to
complete the survey, which is open through November 30. And if you’ve
already completed the survey or don’t plan to, We would love to hear
your answers to these questions, which appear in the survey:

·         Approximately how many hours per month do you spend on Youth
of Choice-related activities?

·         Do you think the amount of time you spend supporting Youth
of Choice is too much, too little, or about right?

·         How satisfied are you with Youth of Choice performance?

·         How confident are you in Youth of Choice ability to impact
or influence social change?

·         Where should we improve moving forward?

Post comments here or email us at

We look forward to your comments.

YOC TEAM : Driving Social Change

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