Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The Youth of Choice Organization in partnership with the YMCA is proud present a "Young Women of Choice Seminar" on the national women day, the 9th of August at the YMCA starting at 10am.

The theme for the seminar is "PROUD 2B ME". The aim is to encourage young women to recognize their worth, value themselves as young women and inspire them to be good positive role models in their schools and communities. The "Young Women of Choice Seminar" will be aimed at 50 grade 10 and 11 female learners chosen from a selection of schools in the Msunduzi Municipality. The reason for the focus being on females is that female suppression is still an issue in our country and it is vital that young women recognize their worth as valuable members of society.

The 50 girls will receive hig impact motivation talks from local dynamic women who have been invited as guest speakers, take part in group discussion focusing on issues affecting young women, get involve in educational activities, tee shirts carrying project theme and later take part in the talent show. The “PROUD 2B ME” project hopes to make a significant leadership impact in paving a brighter future for this young girls and also provide them with both hope and a safe environment to interact.

For those who wish to attend need to register before hand and for informatin get in touch with Nsiki or Siphokazi at the YMCA on 033 4322469

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