Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Great turn out at the Young Women of Choice Seminar this past national women's day. About 45 girls from the dis-advantage communities took part in this powerful seminar and shared their daily hardships as young women growing up in todays society. A dynamic guest speaker delivered a very inspiring talk and encourage the girls to see themselves a valuable members of society. The young girls also took part group discussion focusing on topics affecting them as young women. Some girls in attendance were brave enough share their personal stories of abuse and challenges been thrown at them just because they are young women. The seminar was filled with fun and positive energy.

Later the girls were treated with some poetry and had time to miggle with other girls from the USA. The Youth of Choice Organization (YOC) gave each girl a tee shirt, folder with useful information and provided lunch for the girls. A big thank you to the YMCA which hosted the seminar and cor-ordinated the event.

The seminer ended on a very high note for the young girls now knowing their value and how much is it worth for being a young women of choice.

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