Thursday, July 28, 2011

What happen in Norway?

Tragedy struck in Norway this past weekend when the peaceful nation experienced a terrorist attack from a native Norwegian suspect Anders Behring Breivik who trained at a secret paramilitary field camp in Belarus earlier this year. At least 76 people were killed on July 22, 2011, when a Norwegian extremist bombed a government building in Oslo, the country’s capital, and later went on a shooting spree at a youth camp near the city. At least 65 of the victims were young people. Anders Behring Breivik, the alleged perpetrator of the Oslo terrorist attacks on Friday, as a Christian fundamentalist. His 1,500-page manifesto — 2083 A European Declaration of Independence — and an accompanying video reveal a more complex picture. Aside from his interest in Christianity, Breivik appears to have studied aspects of esotericism and neopaganism.

This is what South Africa and the world can learn from a german newspaper article: "Even in their deepest sorrow the Norwegians don't get hysterical. They resist the hate. It is amazing to see how politicians and the whole country reacts. They are sad to the deepest thread of their souls. They cry in dignity. But nobody swears to take revenge. Instead they want even more humanity and democracy. That is one of the most remarkable strengths of that little country."


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