Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Young Women Taking Action!

On 09 August 2011, South Africa commemorated the march of 1956 when women from across the racial spectrum protested against the carrying of pass books. Youth of Choice organized a Face 2 Face Seminar as part of their initiative on Women’s Day 2011 focused on giving young girls the platform to talk to one another about social challenges they see in their communities, issues that are affecting them as young women in society & inspire them to take action to tackle those issues.


“We as Youth of Choice we believe young women have the power to change the world and given the platform they can do greater things that can change the world”, says Jabulani Myeza the Founder of Youth of Choice.


Prominent issues that came out during the seminar, high levels of teenage pregnancy, peer pressure, sugar daddies, social justice and climate change.  These girls have made a choice to take action on some of these important issues through the creation of Youth of Choice Clubs which promotes the involvement of young people in community service in a fun, easy and meaningful way.


Youth of Choice is a non-profit organization that inspires young people to make a difference in their schools, campuses and communities.




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