Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Youth of Choice is for you. Wherever you are, whatever you do and whoever you are, you can be part of this dynamic movement.

Inspire, hope and impact on a sustainable scale is our goal. Is Youth of Choice a dream? Well, not for us. We believe in the power we have to drive positive social change and we are an organization of pioneers who want to fuel sustainable social change amongst young people and also empower them to take the lead in driving positive social change in their communities.

We have taken many initiatives to gain a better understanding of what change means to us and the world we live in. On that basis we have developed programs which offers real practical solutions that are geared towards addressing social challenges facing young people. With this we hope you will get a deeper understanding of our philosophy, our programs and services. We hope you find Youth of Choice of interest to you and we hope you will see our goal, like yours, is that together we can make difference through innovate and sustainable high impact quality programs.

For more on how you can get involve and how you can help,

YOC TEAM : Driving Social Change
Non-profit & Tax Exempt
Mobile: +27 795396131
Fax: +27 865656970


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