Monday, December 27, 2010


He makes change his business with passion, energy and vision. 

He has an immense challenge to make sure that the future of Youth of Choice (YOC) is sustainable. Jabulani Myeza is the Volunteer in Chief of YOC, the emerging youth movement of choice for social change. For this man, compromise is not an option and it means passion, teamwork and execution are essential in delivering the vision of YOC. That's why this man demands nothing but the best and when it comes to social change, few can rival the passion for this man.

It takes a Big Heart to do what he does. And it takes energy, courage and enthusiasm to carry it through. His goal is to inspire change, give hope and drive impact – these are not empty words for this ambitious and driven social entrepreneur. His approach and thinking for YOC, represents his philosophy. Driven by the need for sustainable social change, he has made some major strides since the inception of YOC in 2008 and learn through the experience.

Happy Holidays and together, we can make a difference.

YOC TEAM - Driving Social Change

Mobile: +27 795396131
Fax: +27 865656970

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